Thursday, April 26, 2012


बस यादें यादें यादें रह जाती हैं
छोटी छोटी बातें रह जाती हैं

This article is an ode to my time spent in Cancer Hospital and Research Institute Gwalior and as I write this I reminisce my sweet and sour moments with my college buddies. Batch 1997-1999
Old friends! These two words send such warm fuzzy that you are completely engulfed in it's warmth.

 Today, I'm feeling really blessed that I've in my account the names of those old friends with whom I can share everything, say anything, and they'll still be by my side.

 Last two days, via Facebook, I had been on a laughter riot. Met some really old time buddies, who are now spread in different continents and one thing that we realized is the fact that we all so want to get connected to our root. I mean there is nothing like meeting old friends.

When I say I'm addicted to Facebook, it doesn't mean the word Facebook but actually my old friends with whom I just can't stop chatting because they bring back such wonderful old memories and revive back my childhood, my jeunesse, my youth that I am left wishing for a time machine to rewind those golden days.

 School and college times give us the chance to make best friends as then the friendship is not superfluous or conditional. It's selfless and we have the passion in us to do or die for our friend's sake. And then after decades when we meet them again in an altogether different world, it's like meeting our real us.

 Remembering the past, laughing on each other, cracking silly jokes and pulling leg remains the essential part of any old friend rendezvous. It just fills you up with zeal, gives you the energy and a kind of boost to tackle the tough life. The best part is that you don't want to end the repartee and would want it just keep going on till the times end. Ever wonder why is it like that? May be because despite the wish to go higher and higher in life we do not want to let go the thread that holds us to our roots. It gives our brain the oxygen and gushes blood into our veins.

I came up with his article, when last night I'd the chance to bump into my old friends and in an instant we got connected not just by facebook but by heart and since it was an open post so one more fellow joined in who otherwise is a  bit reluctant towards Facebook but reading the comments couldn't hold himself back and also that we literally dragged him into the discussion. All in all a great time we had had. I write this passage in praise of those gone days and dedicate it to my dear friends with whom I'd spent two beautiful years at Cancer Hospital and Research Institute Gwalior!

 Manisha Vajpayee, Raman Agrawal and Ravindra Prajapati, it was so much fun to have a tête a tête with you and hope that continues. And yes, miss my other friends too, who couldn't be a partake of the Facebook chat. 

Bunking the classes, sitting in the canteen especially during the cold winter days soaking up the sun and indulging in irrelevant talks, hot samosas and the ever delicious steaming hot tea. Who would pay the bill always remained the hot debatable question! Oh! how I miss those beautiful days when riding on my old khatara luna on to the hills of CHRI sounded so adventurous. When we were so carefree that our imagination never went beyond arranging for the samosas and the chai and the silly ideas that we would put forward to get our hands on to them.

 No, I don't miss those days for they are there with me in my heart and soul forever.

Remembering as far as my memory goes in no particular order..Sunita, Shalini, Rupam, Gayatri, Sonal, Mridula, Reena, Usha, Vandana, Anu, Tanu, Alok, Manoj and Avinash.   

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