Sunday, May 6, 2012 marks the beginning of Aamir Khan's show 'Satyamev Jayate' on the Indian television. It is said that this show is first of its kind where the actor himself is the anchor, performer and the producer. Though am not much of a television person, watch just a few selected things but the publicity of this show and the fact that it is being produced by someone who is considered an idealist, had me in front of the screen.
The prologue was quite serene and impressive with Aamir on the beach describing his feelings about the show. How actually he came up with the piece. One thing that struck a chord with me was what Aamir said: "how we are affected by the malfunctions of the society? I am doing good. My life is in a good shape. So, how and why should it be affected by these social stigmas"? Actually, it is affected because we are a part of this society and whatever happens in the boundaries of society does have an impact on our lives too.
I fail to understand why do we always need a star to remind us of the prevailing social stigmas. Weren't we aware of this female foeticide all along? Today it was the issue of Female foeticide, tomorrow will be of dowry system and next something else. Again several women will be shown battered and shattered with their heart wrecking stories.
It was so regressive to see that people who represent the educated India are indulged in such acts. I had my eyes all teary when they showed the women who went through the torture of an unwanted abortion not once or twice but five times. I salute them for their courage and never say die attitude towards life despite endless obstacles and troubles.
Will something be ever done to put a stop to this abominable crime or will it just end up as a status on social networking sites? All such intense shows sound all the more intense over a cup of tea but once the tea finishes, the intensity too finishes.
I'm not questioning people's sentiments here but if we are true to our conscience then let's give this social evil a real thought and try to wipe it out from our society lest we'll be heading towards disarray and thence disintegration.
Lastly, hats off to Aamir Khan for bringing up this show which happens to be a portrayal of the society of which we are a part. I would like to quote the lines from the show which I quite liked:
Sirf hangama khada karna mera maksad nahin
meri koshish hai ki kuch badalna chahiye
mere seene mein nahin toh tere seene main sahi
ho kahin bhi aag lekin aag jalni chahiye
Thank God, you had the sensibility to question that why do we need stars to awaken our souls? My facebook profile is flooded with posts on this show but then what? They will discuss about it and then everything will be conveniently forgotten like a stale news. How can people be so naive as to not know about the intensity of this problem. Some of them said,oh! I always believed it's the poor uneducated people who are doing that. My answer to them is dear people , In India, the foeticide process requires a hefty price! How could a poor person buy such a costly procedure when he can't even buy a loaf of bread? With due respect to Amir Khan, am not impressed by his show, for just one simple reason: Just by showing few stories will people stop practicing it? Yes, I would be happy if Aamir Khan does a follow up on the cases and really bring some justice to the grieved women.
ReplyDeleteInstead of showing a song that is bringing tears to many eyes please show something concrete, which could really help in putting an end to this evil. Use your power and little bit of your money which you'll be generating from this show to annihilate female foeticide! Then your show in real sense will be a show with a difference.